Adrenalina’s Best Price Guarantee: Your Ticket to Unbeatable Adventure Value
At Adrenalina, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible value for their purchases. Our Best Price Guarantee ensures that you receive unmatched value for your investment. If you find a better price for the same product or service on another digital platform, we will gladly refund the difference.
Terms and Conditions:
1. Eligibility:
- The Best Price Guarantee is applicable to identical products or services available on other digital platforms.
- The product or service in question must have the same specifications, features, and conditions as offered on our platform.
2. Verification Process:
- To request a refund based on the Best Price Guarantee, customers must provide proof of the lower price found on the alternative digital platform.
- Proof should be submitted within 48 hours of making a purchase on our platform.
3. Price Comparison:
- Price comparison will be based on the total cost, including any applicable taxes, fees, and charges associated with the purchase.
- Currency differences and fluctuations will not be taken into account during the comparison process..
4. Refund Procedure:
- If a lower price is confirmed, we will issue a refund for the difference in price.
- Refunds will be processed using the original payment method used for the initial purchase.
5. Limitations:
- The Best Price Guarantee does not apply to limited-time promotions, flash sales, or discounts available for a specific duration.
- It is not applicable to products or services offered through loyalty programs, reward points, or promotional codes.
6. Policy Changes:
- Adrenalina Tours reserves the right to modify or cancel the Best Price Guarantee at any time without prior notice.
We strive to ensure you receive unparalleled value and satisfaction when you choose Adrenalina Tours. If you have found a better price elsewhere, please contact our customer support team to initiate the verification process and claim your refund.
Last updated: 2/06/2024